Helping Our Parents (HOP) Thrive’s mission is to serve as a caring community of support for Adult Children as they help their parents thrive in the later chapters of their life.

Hosted by Melissa Uppelschoten,
Adult Child and Senior Home Safety Specialist

#helpingourparentsthrive #hopthrive #supportforadultchildren

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Listen to our Podcast

* To support episode 3

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This is your safe space to connect with other adult children who are experiencing the same struggles (and joys) while caring for their parents as they age. You are not alone. We hear you, see you and are holding space for you.

Our community offers emotional and practical support to uplift each other through what for many is uncharted territory. It is our intention to provide valuable resources and a sense of belonging – to share what has worked and has not worked as we assist our parents through thriving in this season of their life. Welcome to our safe space.

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